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Objects - The Basics

6 mins

  • Name
    Juleshwar Babu

Table Of Contents

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Garbage Collection

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  • JavaScript engine’s garbage collection algorithm is called “mark-and-sweep”. It marks the top level objects referred by global as roots and recursively visits objects referred by the roots. Basically it forms a reference tree. It then sweeps any objects not present in this tree. Browsers apply more optimization over this algo like incremental collection, idle-time collection and generational collection to make it practically viable.

    Garbage collection

Object methods, “this”

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  • The value of this is evaluated during the run-time, depending on the context. The value of this is the “object before the dot” of the property being referenced

    let user1 = { name: "Daniel" }
    let user2 = { name: "Hikaru" }
    let sayName = function() {
    	window.alert("Hi, my name is ",}
    user1.introduceYourself = sayName
    user2.introduceYourself = sayName
    user1.introduceYourself() // Hi, my name is Daniel
    user2.introduceYourself() // Hi, my name is Hikaru
  • this for a global object results in undefined when in strict mode and the global object when not in strict mode 😲

    function sayHi() {
    sayHi(); // undefined in strict mode
    sayHi(); // global object in non-strict mode

Constructor, operator "new"

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  • The main purpose of constructors is to implement reusable object creation code.

    function User(name) {  
      // this = {};  (implicitly)
      // add properties to this = name;  
      this.person = true;
      // return this;  (implicitly)
    new User("Hikaru")
    new User("Arjun")
  • Constructors do not have a return statement. But if there is a return statement, then the rule is simple:

    • If return is called with an object, then the object is returned instead of this.
    • If return is called with a primitive, it’s ignored.
  • #til

    let user = new User; // <-- no parentheses
    // same as
    let user = new User();

Symbol type

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  • By specification, only two primitive types may serve as object property keys:

    • string type, or
    • symbol type.

    Otherwise, if one uses another type, such as number, it’s autoconverted to string. So that obj[1] is the same as obj["1"], and obj[true] is the same as obj["true"].

  • Symbols are “primitive unique values”

    let id1 = Symbol("id"); // "id" is just a description for the Symbol
    let id2 = Symbol("id");
    alert(id1 === id2); // false
  • loops or Object.keys() skips over Symbol keys in objects

  • Technically, symbols are not 100% hidden.

Object to Primitive conversion

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  • JavaScript uses something called hints to decide what to convert an object to

    let user = {
      name: "John",
      money: 1000,
      [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
        alert(`hint: ${hint}`);
        return hint == "string" ? `{name: "${}"}` :;
    // conversions demo:
    alert(user); // hint: string -> {name: "John"}
    alert(+user); // hint: number -> 1000
    alert(user + 500); // hint: default -> 1500

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  • 2023-06-08 - init